TAPPI T577 Score Bend Tester - - Thiết bị tự động hóa công nghiệp - ANS Vietnam

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TAPPI T577 Score Bend Tester

Loại sản phẩm: Testers

Mã sản phẩm: Mark 10 Vietnam - TAPPI T577 Score Bend Tester

Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Sơn

Xuất Xứ: chính hãng

Hãng sản xuất: Mark 10

Giá : Vui lòng liên hệ

Score Bend and Score Quality Test Systems
Our score bend test fixture is designed to operate with most vertical force test stands that can interface with an external switch contact input. As a complete tester this integration is completed with the Lloyd and Mark-10 test stands. The test fixture is designed to meet TAPPI T577 test specification for 90° bend tests used to test fiber board materials and plastics. The low friction bearings and non-contact stop switch allow for the most accurate readings possible with this style of fixture. Pneumatic clamping of the test material is standard and is controlled with the hand operated switch or optional foot switch. As a complete system, the score bend test system is available in two performance levels
Score Bend Product Information
301 Specifications
  • Hand operated air switch
    • Foot switch option
    • Manual closing option
  • Speed: 12 in/min (programmable from 0.5 to 13 in/min)
    • Extended speed options 0.02 – 45 "/min
  • Force measuring accuracy: +/- 0.1% of full scale
  • Test stand travel: Standard 11.5", Extended 18"
  • 5000 gram load cell
    • 2500 and 10,000 gram option
  • Over load protection for load cell
  • Selectable units: g, kg, N, lb, and oz
  • Sampling rate up to 7000 Hz
    • Selectable filtering for high vibration locations
  • 1000 data point memory with statistics
  • Sample width up to 6"
    • 12" width option is available
  • Settings can be locked with password
  • RS-232 electronic data output
  • Optional software wedge to send data to any Windows program
  • Very small 6.5 x 13.2 inch foot print
  • Conforms to TAPPI T577
ls1 Specifications
  • Hand operated air switch
    • Foot switch option
    • Manual closing option
  • Speed: 12 in/min (programmable from 0.0004 to 80 in/min)
  • Force measuring accuracy: +/- 0.5% of reading down to 1% of load cell capacity
  • Test stand travel over 31 inches
  • 100 N (10,000 gram) load cell
    • Other load cell may be used.
  • Over load protection for load cell
  • Selectable units: g, kg, N, lb, and oz
  • Nexygen material test software for complete data acquisition, analysis and flexibility.
    • Results may be added after the test is run
    • Video capture of test included with Nexygen
  • Replay the test curve in sync with video
  • Sample width up to 6"
    • 12" width option is available
  • User configurable password
  • USB output
  • Conforms to TAPPI T577
Score Quality Tester Product Information Click HERE for PDFpdf
Basic Score Quality Tester
In this class of tester the user sets lower travel limits and upper travel limits through physical stops that are manually set by the user. Normally, with this type of test, limits do not require further adjustment when different thickness material s are tested.

Score quality ratios are not automatically calculated and can be done manually or with an optional software wedge that allows the user send data into a windows based program to perform the arithmetic function and documentation. 


cycle control
LTCM and Cycle Control

SQ-MTB is a Mark-10 system based on the ESM301 and configured to return to the start position. Speed and travel points are easily set to meet the requirements of TAPPI T829.

Both the gauge and test stand can secured against unauthorized changes with programmable numeric passwords. The small foot print for the tester make it a good choice for production areas where space is limited.

The gauge and test stand are provided with overload protection and have electronic data output capabilities. Various capacity gauges can be installed; however 25 lbf and 50 lbf are most common.

WinWedge software wedge for sending data directly to any windows

SQ-CLB is a Chatillon system based on the LTCM-100CC. The LTCM- 100CC includes the Cycle Controller configuring it to automatically run and return to the start position. Speed and travel points are easily set to meet the requirements of TAPPI T829.

The large working area is beneficial when many samples are being tested.

The gauge and test stand are provided with overload protection and have electronic data output capabilities. Various capacity gauges can be installed; however 25lbf and 50 lbf are most common.

• WinWedge software wedge for sending data directly to any windows

Intermediate Quality Score Tester
In this class of tester the user the tester is configured to travel until the force drops defining the end of the test and then returns to the start position. With this method the test cycle time is reduce because the additional time the Basic Score Quality Tester requires to run to the mechanical limit is eliminated.
Score quality ratios are not automatically calculated and can be done manually or with an optional software wedge that allows the user send data into a windows based program to perform the arithmetic function and documentation.



SQ-MTI is a Mark-10 system based on the ESM301 and configured to automatically return to the start position after the test sample has reached it's maximum force. Speed and travel points are easily set to meet the requirements of TAPPI T829, although, manual calculation of the average scored and unscored results and score ratio must be done off line.

Both the gauge and test stand can secured against unauthorized changes with programmable numeric passwords. The small foot print for the tester make it a good choice for production areas where space is limited.

The gauge and test stand are provided with overload protection and have electronic data output capabilities. Various capacity gauges can be installed; however 25 lbf and 50 lbf are most common.

• WinWedge software wedge for sending data directly to any windows

SQ-CSI is based on the Chatillon CS225 Tester. The CS225 is a highly configurable system that provides one button test operation. Data is stored on the onboard touch tablet making saving, archiving, and exporting data easy. Two test profiles are included to meet the requirements of TAPPI T829. Although score quality is not calculated, the average for scored and unscored is and held in separate files.

This system uses plug and play load cells that are electronically protected from accidental over loading in all but the most extreme case. Included are quick disconnect fittings that combined with the multiple program storage make this tester usable for virtually all types of compression and tensile tests. Various capacity load cells can be installed, however, 25 lbf is the most common.

Advanced Quality Score Tester
In this class of tester the user the tester is configured to travel until the force drops defining the end of the test and then returns to the start position. With this method the test cycle time is reduce because the additional time the Basic Score Quality Tester requires to run to the mechanical limit is eliminated. Travel to a distance from the surface is also an option.

This is a software driven system and requires a computer for control. Tests are run on both scored and unscored material and the averages and score ratio are automatically calculated and stored in a table. The software also include real time force-displacement graphing that can be a tool for trouble shooting material problems.

SQ-LSA is based on the Lloyd LS1 Tester. The LS1 is a highly configurable material test system that provides one button test operation from a computer. Data is stored in a the software file in tabular format and can easily exported to other windows applications. The software include a report generator powered through Microsoft Word that can automatically generate a material report with the necessary information including your company logo. The test profile included meets the requirements of TAPPI T829 and provides score quality ratio automatically.

This system uses plug and play load cells that are electronically protected from accidental over loading in all but the most extreme case. Included are quick disconnect fittings that combined with the multiple program storage make this tester usable for virtually all types of compression and tensile tests. Various capacity load cells can be installed, however, 100 Newton is the most common.

• Desk top computer
• Laptop computer
Special Test fixtures and System Integration
Shown is a 12" wide score bend tester integrated with a TCD 110 test system. The wide sample test area allowed for testing of the complete sample without trimming.

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